Circulation Policy

Circulation Periods

Books and Audio3 weeks
1 week
Periodicals1 week
Video Games1 week
Library2Go eBooks/Audiobooks2 weeks
Things1 week


Items may be renewed in person at any CAMALS library, by telephone, email, or in the patron’s online account.  Three-week items will be renewed for three weeks. One-week items will be renewed for one week. Patrons may renew items two times.  If there is a hold on the item by another patron, the item cannot be renewed and must be returned by the original due date. Video games will not be renewed.

Returning Borrowed Materials

Books and other borrowed materials (with the exception of Things) may be returned to any CAMALS library.  Library2Go eBooks and audiobooks are returned automatically on the due date. Items in the respective Library of Things collections at CAMALS Libraries will not be transferable or sent to other library locations due to their unique storage needs. Things must be returned to the library from which they were borrowed.

Overdue Materials

For library items kept past the date due, the patron will be notified that the items are overdue.  Four notices are sent; the fourth notice is an invoice for the item. At that time the account is blocked from further activity.  Patrons are not blocked for general overdue materials. They are blocked when they have a bill.

Overdue Fines

Carroll County Libraries

Berryville$0.05 per day per item, $2.00 maximum per item
Eureka SpringsFines are not collected, donations are encouraged
Green ForestFines are not collected, donations are encouraged

Madison County Libraries

HuntsvilleFines are not collected, donations are encouraged
KingstonFines are not collected, donations are encouraged
St. PaulFines are not collected, donations are encouraged

Hold Requests

Patrons may request an item currently checked out to another patron either in person, by telephone, email, or in their account online.  When the requested item is returned the patron will be contacted. The item is held for seven days after the notification.

Material Replacement Cost

If current price is not available:

Adult Fiction$25.00
Adult Nonfiction$35.00
Adult Paperbacks$10.00
Videosfull replacement costs
Audios$15.00 for the first lost CD
YA/Juvenile Hardback$25.00
YA/Juvenile Paperback$10.00
YA/Juvenile Videosfull replacement costs
YA/Juvenile Audios$15.00 for the first lost CD
Library of Thingsfull replacement costs